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The question I get asked the most often is "How much are your cakes?"

The answer is not so simple. Each cake is custom made and requires a different amount of time, effort and ingredients. The main factors when costing an individally designed cake are size (how many servings?) and details (how many hours of work to complete?)

Still confused? Don't feel bad! You're not alone! Click this button for a free quote.

*Min. order for a Funky Cake is $50, but larger cakes with lots of decorations can cost $500+

This is the cost of the cake itself before any decorations are added. This is worked out on a "per serving" basis. Different cake varieties have different prices per serve.

A basic round cake won't cost as much as a 3D sculpted masterpiece, and cupcakes aren't always the cheapest option, as some might think. 

Stay tuned or ask me for more info.

This is where the fun starts!

Any spots, stripes, flowers, figurines, and writing are factored in at this stage.

Decorating costs take into account the cost of materials used and the time and effort required.

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